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Wandering Wise Men

This post contains affiliate links to products that if purchased, a very small commission goes to help our family. They are products that I truly love and fit our style.

We love Christmas season and one thing that we like to do starting on the 12th day before Christmas is the wandering Wise Men! I am sure most of you have heard of Elf on the Shelf- a naughty elf that is getting into some sort of new trouble every morning. When talking about what traditions we wanted our kids to grow up with, we were both in agreement that we wanted every aspect of Christmas to be about Jesus. Our goal was that in every activity we did as a family during the holiday season we would be able to incorporate Jesus as the focal point. So, instead of Elf on the Shelf, we began the Wandering Wise Men.

Each morning our kids wake up they search the house looking to see where the Wise Men are at. Beginning on the 12th day before Christmas, we hide our baby Jesus from the Nativity scene and our Wise Men begin their journey to find baby Jesus. They look everywhere for him- in the village, in the crayons, in the tree.

Then on Christmas morning, the first thing we do before we open presents, is find the Wise Men. They have been returned to the Nativity scene and baby Jesus has arrived also. We have an advent calendar hanging on our wall and each day has a card that tells a small part of the birth of Jesus. We read one card each day of December, but on Christmas after we find the Wise Men, we read each card in order to tell the entire story of the birth of Jesus. This is one of our favorite Christmas traditions and it is only going to get better as the kids get older! What are some of your favorite Christ centered holiday traditions?

This is the nativity set we have, found from Hobby Lobby. It is breakable so if you are looking for a non-breakable one, I recommend this one!


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